The Journal


This journal is dedicated to conscious creators and soulpreneurs who desire to create a sacred business in alignment to their energy. We talk about different exploration systems (astrology & human design) and how this can inform how energetic coherence to the marketing and offerings behind our business.

Recommended Reads


Be a Magnetic Individual By Embodying Your Own Inner Divinity


Fall Apart: The Process of Unraveling to Find Yourself


Discover your Sacred Business Archetype


I’m not going to lie to your face and tell you that my year so far is perfect. But my perception and response to what occurs in my life feels more at ease as I’m happily working on leveling up from all my shortcomings. Confidence doesn’t just turn on like a switch once you’ve had a massive epiphany. Confidence is riding the spectrum of not letting the hiccups in life rob you after you change your belief systems. You move the needle and acknowledge the bigger picture of progress rather than micro-analyzing it.

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This is How The Universe Mirrors You


Empath, Personal Stories, Self-Love, Self-Reflection


I think back to some of the most trying periods of my life and realize: In the midst of feeling like I’ve lost everything, I feel the closest to myself, to divinity — to god. From death deciding to claim a friend when her life had just barely started to being cheated on by the person you thought you could trust — your mind goes numb with shock, then the rest of your body follows. It’s as if muscle memory regresses, and your knees forget to unbuckle itself — letting you crash to the floor; Your mind and body choose to not register the agony your heart is experiencing.

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Fall Apart: The Process of Unraveling to Find Yourself


Empath, Personal Stories, Self-Love, Self-Reflection


Getting attached to a set of belief systems keeps you locked in that reality and all of your thoughts, emotions and actions are going to be equal to that inner reality. So being as if is about identifying. The current identity you have is something that you’ve built based on your identification over what we call the past. If you have decided in your past, “This is who I am. This is the kind of person I am. This is the kind of way I show up in the world,” you have the ability to rewrite the narrative and shift the story to match what ultimate lifestyle you would like to achieve. There is the major difference between being as if and faking it till you make it. It’s with the realization that that’s not who you are.

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Enrich Your Life with this Principle: Embodiment through the “Be As If Principle”

Tips for Empaths

Confidence, Self-Reflection, Tips for Empaths


“It’s a playful stage where we’re playing, we’re playing at life or death. We’re playing to learn to die. And it’s an incredibly powerful thing to learn to let go.“ – Ben Hemmer Liu It’s a rare opportunity to come across an individual that doesn’t shy away from talking about the hard stuff in life. […]

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Understanding Life, Survival and Play with Ben Hemmer Liu and Taylor Schultz


Personal Stories, Podcast Show, Self-Reflection


The Paradox of Success There’s a false misconception that when we work ourselves up to a level of standard that we perceived as greatness, we unknowingly put ourselves up on a pedestal. We get into our heads that on our first try, we will produce great work. When we work ourselves up to a state […]

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Accept Your Insignificance To Crush Your Goals


Motivation, Self-Reflection


“The way out of hell is to take that pain you’re feeling, overcome it, and share it with others. The more you can impact, the more you can make your way out of hell.” – Sid Bala Oh boy…where do I begin with this episode? This one, in particular, holds a lot of weight to […]

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Transform Our Pain to Shape Identity with Sid Bala


Personal Stories, Podcast Show, Self-Reflection