The Journal


This journal is dedicated to conscious creators and soulpreneurs who desire to create a sacred business in alignment to their energy. We talk about different exploration systems (astrology & human design) and how this can inform how energetic coherence to the marketing and offerings behind our business.

Recommended Reads


Be a Magnetic Individual By Embodying Your Own Inner Divinity


Fall Apart: The Process of Unraveling to Find Yourself


Discover your Sacred Business Archetype


“Spiritual bypassing by definition is really using your spirituality and your spiritual practice to bypass the human experience, whether that’s bypassing emotions because we’re not wanting to feel emotions in the body. We don’t like the experience of it, so we just try to bypass it.” – Amanda Machado (Wild Becoming) I’m super excited today […]

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Overcoming Spiritual Ego & Healing Worthiness Wounds

Podcast Show

Personal Stories, Podcast Show


“All of a sudden, I had these heightened senses that I kind of was able to tap into. It was really scary at first because I started seeing things that I, as an adult woman had to acknowledge and say that this is very real.” – Mercedes Blendz Mercedes Blendz is a spiritual mindset coach, […]

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How to Embrace Your Awakening After a Dark Night of The Soul

Podcast Show

Personal Stories, Podcast Show


“To start off by understanding your animal, it is coming from that place of wonder. Then, if you want to go a little bit deeper into that, what you start doing is connecting to yourself first. And very simply, you can put your hands on your heart, and just sit for a minute or so […]

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Bridging Spirit & Humanity Through Animal Communication

Podcast Show

Personal Stories, Podcast Show


“In your grief, you don’t know how to reach out to people. Because you’ve already become so accustomed to being independent, and just doing things on your own. But we need someone there. That it’s okay, seeing us and our full authenticity, our full pain, sadness, suffering, numbness, everything. There’s something also sacred about that […]

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How We Move Through Grief with Jessica Reis, The Death Empath

Podcast Show

Personal Stories, Podcast Show


I wanted to share with you some of my tips, trials, and tribulations on how I initially navigated the pandemic when it first happened in 2020 and moving into this new year for 2021, what looks different as a lot of shifts needed to happen in both my personal life as well as my business […]

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Navigating Pandemic Anxiety As an Empath

Podcast Show

Personal Stories, Podcast Show


“A lot of people are undernourished, they don’t eat very well, because they don’t feel they have an appetite for it. When they’re feeling that way, it creates a vicious cycle. Because if you’re going to build those hormones that will help bring you back into balance mentally, you need the right building blocks for […]

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Calm Your Anxiety & Gut with Nutritional WellBeing

Podcast Show

Personal Stories, Podcast Show


“And so the gap contains a lot of wounding, a lot of pain, fear of rejection, fear of judgment from other people, and us misconstruing other people’s truths as if it’s the only truth. And so, therefore, it is our truth. And this is one of the biggest mistakes that a lot of empaths and […]

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The Gap Between Your Current Self & Your Embodied Self

Podcast Show

Personal Stories, Podcast Show


“I really believe in philanthropy and giving back. We give back a portion of every sale to nonprofits that support women and girls to get them educated. I really believe education can change your life, especially if you’re born abroad. And you will never have a chance of going to school because you happen to […]

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Navigate Conversations around Infertility with Asha Blooms

Podcast Show

Personal Stories, Podcast Show


“I now had this end goal in mind, I had this deeper sense of purpose on what the money could do in terms of really serving and honoring my calling. 5 years ago, I only saw the first three steps ahead of this journey. And the nudges pointed out to me that my journey was […]

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Money Energetics As an Empath

Podcast Show

Personal Stories, Podcast Show


“The ‘Fake it till you make it’ phrase that you often hear from others should be tweaked to the phrase, ‘Embody till you become.’” – Michelle Saya It’s definitely been just such an interesting trying time. And with 2021, I’m definitely moving forward in a more hopeful, light, and hopeful energy. However, I know that […]

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The Empath Shift for 2021

Podcast Show

Personal Stories, Podcast Show