The Journal


This journal is dedicated to conscious creators and soulpreneurs who desire to create a sacred business in alignment to their energy. We talk about different exploration systems (astrology & human design) and how this can inform how energetic coherence to the marketing and offerings behind our business.

Recommended Reads


Be a Magnetic Individual By Embodying Your Own Inner Divinity


Fall Apart: The Process of Unraveling to Find Yourself


Discover your Sacred Business Archetype


A lot of the times when we think about self-doubt, we blame the sole culprit to the internal dialogue we have in our heads. We question our ability to do things, to rise up to an opportunity where we can level up and shy away when we are confronted with the first signs of growing pains. We don’t realize that a lot of the self-doubt we experience can stem from the people we surround ourselves with. Sometimes a comment here or there from a trusted loved one — confidante, a can derail our progress rapidly because of their own scarcity mindset.

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Surround Yourself With People That Don’t Make You Self-Doubt


Confidence, Empath Entrepreneur, Motivation