The Journal


This journal is dedicated to conscious creators and soulpreneurs who desire to create a sacred business in alignment to their energy. We talk about different exploration systems (astrology & human design) and how this can inform how energetic coherence to the marketing and offerings behind our business.

Recommended Reads


Be a Magnetic Individual By Embodying Your Own Inner Divinity


Fall Apart: The Process of Unraveling to Find Yourself


Discover your Sacred Business Archetype


“All of a sudden, I had these heightened senses that I kind of was able to tap into. It was really scary at first because I started seeing things that I, as an adult woman had to acknowledge and say that this is very real.” – Mercedes Blendz Mercedes Blendz is a spiritual mindset coach, […]

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How to Embrace Your Awakening After a Dark Night of The Soul

Podcast Show

Personal Stories, Podcast Show