The Journal


This journal is dedicated to conscious creators and soulpreneurs who desire to create a sacred business in alignment to their energy. We talk about different exploration systems (astrology & human design) and how this can inform how energetic coherence to the marketing and offerings behind our business.

Recommended Reads


Be a Magnetic Individual By Embodying Your Own Inner Divinity


Fall Apart: The Process of Unraveling to Find Yourself


Discover your Sacred Business Archetype


Have you found yourself, of late, feeling a little less enamored with your sacred business? Perhaps it’s the tedium of the daily grind, or maybe you’ve hit a rough patch, and your once-joyful passion project seems to have lost its sparkle.

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Harness Astrology to Ignite Passion & Drive into Your Sacred Business

Astrology to Ignite Passion & Drive Into Your Sacred Biz

Astrology Transit

biz astrology, Astrology Transit


This full moon in Cancer on January 17th at 6:47 p.m. EST helps us further examine goals that may longer provide a sense of enjoyment or fulfillment from the New Moon in Capricorn on January 2nd from just a few weeks ago.  To fully grasp the pitfalls and opportunities of this lunation, we must first […]

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Full Moon in Cancer: Empathy in the Face of Transformation

psychological astrology

psychological astrology


Every 2-3 years, your Moon “progresses” into the next Zodiac sign which denotes the overall mood and impression of this time period for you. This is a personal transition that takes place internally, so others do not experience the same progressions as you.

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Charting Emotional Nourishment with Moon Progressions

psychological astrology

Empath Entrepreneur, psychological astrology